19 February 2025

Is It Too Early to Start Thinking About Christmas?

Vacation planners, unite! You’re definitely in good company. Yes, we know that now there is a trend going around where you just drop everything and take a vacation, but that’s really not our style. In the case of holiday vacations, you really can’t just drop everything and go. For starters, you’re going to end up paying a lot more money at the last minute traveling like this, and you’re going to be fighting a lot more people for the same services across the board. This is a nightmare that you don’t really want to live, trust us. We’ve waited till the last minute to travel during a major holiday and it’s backfired in so many terrible ways.

So when one of our travel leaders asked about whether or not it’s too early to start thinking about Christmas, we had to laugh. Folks, it’s never too late to think about Christmas travel. Heck, some people plan their next Christmas vacation right after they get home from the previous one. We’re not that extreme, but planning a few months in advance isn’t as crazy as you might think.

If you’re going to go on a Christmas cruise, it’s downright necessary. You’re going to have to turn in your deposit and other fees early so that the trip planner knows how many people are actually going. Sure, there are chances to do a last minute cruise here and there, but we can’t vouch on the quality aspect. We think that cruises and vacations in general are better when you actually can take time in advance to plan things out. We’re not fans at all of this new revolution where everyone just drops things and travels at the last minute. It’s hard to get things under your control in this case and really, we like having things under control as much as possible.

So, where do you really begin? Like any other trip, Christmas vacation is going to have some common themes. You’re going to want to think about how to get there, where to stay, how much to spend, what to do, and who to take with you. Yes, we assume that you’re going to take at least one person. Even though we’re fans of solo travel, Christmas is a time to connect with people. You have the rest of the year to think about solo travel. To get your social interactions on, you should try to take at least one person. This can be your significant other or even a coworker from work — we’re not picky here. Just make sure that you’re not going to be alone. The reason why we say that is because a lot of our friends traveled solo for Christmas, and they hated being reminded that they didn’t have anyone with them.

The money is going to be the next issue. If you’re traveling during the Christmas season, there are a lot of things that are going to be demanding money from you — and a lot more money than other points of the year. Don’t like it? Travel at another time of the year. The major venue operators around the world know that if you won’t pay the rate, another person will. That’s called supply and demand, the laws o f economics are actually not on your side at all. There are deals to be had though, but they’re going to go to the people that actually take time to sniff out the deals. If you’re just going to laze about on this topic, you’re better off either paying the asked-for price, or traveling at another time of the year.

Now, we don’t mean to be downers here — there’s a lot of fun to be had at Christmastime, especially if you’re going to travel somewhere that actually has a warm climate during a time where most places are going to expect snow. Just make sure that you plan ahead, budget smart, and keep a wide list of things to do — you’ll be just fine!