17 February 2025

Top 5 Free Family Days Out

In these difficult economic times, many of us are looking for ways of doing things for free. Many people would have spent a lot of time going out and about with their families, but now find that with the increasing price of fuel and lower salaries they just cannot afford to always go out and visit places. So here is a useful list of five things that you can do with the children which do not cost so much money.

Picnic in the Park

Many of us see the park as a place that we quickly visit with the children to let them run off a bit of excess energy and then get home again as soon as we can. However, many parks offer a lot to do such as play equipment, green space to run about and play ball games and even sometimes water or animals. Even a small park has a lot to offer, especially if you go with a group so that the children have others to play with. Once they have played enough on the equipment, you can have some food and drink, go for a walk, play football or frisbee or even read books and magazines.

Visiting Your Local Museum

Many people spend a lot of money travelling to big cities to look at their vast museums, when they probably have a perfectly good small museum nearby which they may not even have ever visited. Even small museums offer a lot to visitors, it is just up to you how much you make of it. The children may not want to stop and look at everything in detail, but make it fund for them to do so. Encourage them to draw what they see or write about it or even take photos if they are allowed to. You can always make a quiz for them to do, although most museums do provide their own.
Travelling to the Beach

If you live fairly near to the cost, then the beach can provide a fantastic day out. There is always a lot to keep children entertained, whether they want to just spend time making sandcastle or paddling in the sea or would rather sunbathe and read magazines. There are always plenty of places to get food and drink but you can always take your own if you want to save money. It does not take long to put together a flask and a few sandwiches. There are plenty of sports you can play of the beach too, especially if it is not too warm as they will keep the cold out and normally shops and places to visit if it is raining.

I-spy Quiz in Town

If you feel like it, you could walk around your town and write out a series of questions about the buildings and things there. You may have information boards or plaques in places and these can help you to make up questions, perhaps things about shops, buildings, statues and memorials. Once you have put it together then you can have lots of fun with the children, finding out about your town and probably looking at things they have never noticed before.

Craft Day

You may not like crafts in the house especially paint, glitter or glue but this can be done outside if necessary. Spend a day with the children just allowing them to be as creative as possible using any art and craft materials that you have in the house. You could borrow some library books to get some ideas on thing to make and have a great time making all sorts of interesting things.